Monday, March 22, 2010


I've really gotten into "roasting" because it's either too cold or I'm too lazy to walk downstairs to the communal grills. And to be honest..."communal grills" sounds kinda nast and now I'm even less excited about them!

I made this up today and it was incred:

1 bunch of fresh asparagus stalks [quantity up to you]
Olive oil
Soy sauce
Vinegar [any kind...I think the kind I have in my pantry now is tarragon]
1 half of tomato quartered [completely un-necessary I just really like tomatoes and had one on the counter that was about to go bad]
Dried cranberries
Almonds, not whole and not sliced but the diced/chopped kind [also completely optional]

Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees.

Cut the dry ends of the asparagus off and use a vegetable peeler to lightly peel the stalks. You don't have to go crazy...more like how you quickly peel a cucumber vs. a carrot. Peeling makes the "gus" [tired of typing asparagus] a little less bitter and less stringy. Spread in the bottom of a baking dish.

In a mixing cup add olive oil, vinegar, and soy sauce. You need roughly 1/4 cup of liquid to coat the stalks at roughly 50% oil, 25% vinegar, and 25% soy sauce. Throw in a little salt and pepper and whisk. Pour over gus.

Add the tomato to the baking dish and a handful of dried cranberries.

Throw in the oven for 15-20 minutes [or desired firm/tenderness --- I just did 15]

While baking, warm a small skillet to medium heat. Add a small handful of the almonds. As soon as they barely start to brown start swirling the skillet around to toast. If you don't keep an eye on them or keep them moving they will burn. Toast until brown then pour into a bowl and set aside. [Note: you do not need any oil or anything in the pan to toast the almonds]

Once the asparagus is cooked, plate and sprinkle the almonds on top.

[Options: Feta would be amazing on this I'm just trying not to dairy it up too much.]

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